The Vaccines - 'Heartbreak Kid'

If you’ve gone this long without having witnessed the rip-roaring guitars or truly infectious numbers associated with one of the most influential indie-rock bands of the 2010’s you’re in for a treat. Having released their fifth album, the dizzying and conceptual “Back In Love City” in 2021, a whole decade on from their seminal debut record “What Did You Expect From The Vaccines”, the quartet are back with their sunny new track “Heartbreak Kid”, plucked from their upcoming project “Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations” – due for release early next year.

The Vaccines, comprised of Justin Young (lead vocals, guitar), Ãrni Ãrnason (bass, vocals), Timothy Lanham (guitar, keys, vocals) and Yoann Intonti (drums), are no strangers to the limelight. From multiple festival appearances (think TRUCK, Leeds and Isle Of Wight), touring with the likes Arctic Monkeys and Red Hot Chili Peppers and winning multiple awards (NME’s best new band, XFM’s new music award…). The question circling around is – can they keep up the hype?

“Heartbreak Kid” harks back to an older Vaccine’s sound and would slot perfectly into “Coming Of Age”. Featuring Young’s distinctive vocals, and insistent percussive beat and swirling electronic notes, the band’s return to the music scene is nothing short of everything we expected – insatiable indie rock. Euphoric and sunnily-uplifting for the darkening winter days, “Heartbreak Kid” is a delightful doting on love and loss.

Talking on the new track, Young notes; “There are two types of people in the world - people that have had their heart broken and people that haven’t had their heart broken yet. Heartbreak Kid is a call to arms. A reminder that in a world where too many of us feel too detached too often, facing your feelings head on can make you feel more alive, even if it feels like the world is ending. It’s a song to keep you company on the busy freeway that connects loss to discovery.”

Words by Lana Williams

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