WHO SHOT SCOTT’s Zaidoon Nasir sticks it to the corporate dogs in his new single THE DATA, reclaiming his artistic expression and releasing pent-up frustrations towards the music industry. 

Following the release of his first single LIL BIT OF HOT, the Iraqi-born, New Zealand-based artist continues to fuse hip-hop and punk together in his latest track, THE DATA. An undeniable anthem of rebellion, ‘THE DATA’ is my middle finger to that whole system”, Nasir says, having attended an event encouraging artists to conform to certain standards to fit a more commercial narrative. Describing it as a “soul-sucking experience,” the event left Nasir with enough frustration, anger and inspiration for this punky, energetic track. 

The WHO SHOT SCOTT artist sends a clear message with his lyrics, “I give my soul, they wanna edit it,” hinting at the idea of artists being forced to alter their work in order for it to fit a more profitable narrative. He continues his call-out on those more focused on the profit than the art, stating “You fell in love with the numbers? That’s so shit.” Nasir’s guttural cry “I cannot let it, let it, let it,” felt like a clear protest against the expectations placed on him by the more corporate sides of the music industry.

There is a somewhat visceral pleasure that comes with listening to the high-energy track, between the heavy drumbeats, the distorted guitars and Nisar’s fury-filled repetition of “THE DATA, THE DATA, THE DATA” screamed throughout. Fans of the hip-hop/rock group N.E.R.D are sure to enjoy the hectic drum patterns, heavy guitars and bass lines that accompany WHO SHOT SCOTT, particularly those who enjoyed their album In Search Of…. 

Further displaying the frustration Nasir feels, the music video for THE DATA is the perfect companion for Nasir’s brutally honest track. Award-winning director Connor Pritchard helps capture the raw aggression pouring from Nasir with fast-paced, flashing shots of Zaidoon dancing around his room leaving a trail of destruction behind him. Each shot encapsulates the anger heard throughout the song to a T. Watching Nasir on a mission to destroy everything in his path while singing lines such as “this shit is life to a boy, it ain’t a gamble,” and “if I give you the power…just know then the blood is on your hands” felt almost cathartic. A sense of therapeutic release for us, the listeners and viewers, as well as the artist himself. 

THE DATA is the perfect second teaser to WHO SHOT SCOTT’s forthcoming EP, BRAIN (SIDE B), which is set to release on the 21st of February 2025. If THE DATA is anything to go by, the 5-track EP is sure to be full of honest, raw, punk pieces, with Nasir set to take fans on a rollercoaster of emotion. 

While we wait for the EP’s release, THE DATA will provide enough fuel for the fire of those ready to rebel against anyone and anything trying to hold them back. 

Words by Angela English