EP Review: Lambrini Girls - 'You're Welcome'

Lambrini Girls, “You’re Welcome” is Fierce, Fiery, Fast & Ferocious.

This up and coming band has got something to say, and they are making sure you listen.

“You’re Welcome” is an unrelenting cascade of punk, rock and metal energy. The musical equivalent to going toe to toe with Mike Tyson for 12 rounds. But exclusive of many bands in the “neo-punk sphere”, it is; interlaced with interesting and clever lyricism, technically challenging and melodic instrumentation and succinct and smart song writing, placing them front and centre at the forefront of the movement. 

Besides from all of the punk greats that you would expect, musically speaking, at least, the E.P takes inspiration from a wide spectrum of music. With vibes of “The Wildhearts”, “Blondie”, “Arctic Monkeys”, “Lily Allen” and “Billy Idol”, to name a few. Many of these songs wouldn’t sound out of place on the old version of “Soccer Am’s” goal roundup or the original “Fifa Street” soundtrack too. The tight and energetic instrumentation ensures everyone is moving, dancing and captive for when the vocals begin. 

And what a vocal it is! Punchy, Punky, Raspy but with a warm, caramel undertone. What could be construed, incorrectly, as “just shouting”, is so, so much more than that. Instead it’s a vehicle for themes of; story telling, hard truths, anger to injustice and social awareness. Even more so than in the instrumentation there are splashes of themes commonly found in early “Arctic Monkeys” and “ IDLES”, namely “story telling” and “world building”. And although there has always been an essence of these in punk music, the maturity and content puts Lamrbini Girls on a different level than most. 

The E.P kicks off with the single, “Boys in the Band”. The tongue in cheek lyrics, excellent musicianship and aggressive tone set expectations for the remainder of the E.P brilliantly.  

Without a doubt the E.P’s lynchpin is “Lads, Lads, Lads”! It’s 3 minutes 12 seconds of punchy Wildhearts-esque guitar riffs, Raucous, syncopated drumming, driving almost metallic in feel bass lines and lyrics that are angry, succinct and perfectly sum up the band’s M.O, mantra and personalities! A perfect punk rock song, if such a thing ever existed. 

The regular E.P ends just as it started with a succinct, punchy, aggressive song called “White Van”, poking fun at the cultural stereotypes surrounding the songs namesake. It, like the entire album, holds up a mirror to the ugly, depraved parts of society and takes it apart one piece at a time . 

At its core it is a complaint, a middle finger and a plea to do better. Many bands throughout music have written about what troubles them, what has impacted them and what they believe would make their lives better, but this is a little more than that. “You’re Welcome” takes a wider view, is socially conscious(without being preachy) & really makes the listener take time to think about what is being said. Along with this it’s also self aware, it knows that these problems will likely remain, on the whole, and that’s where the anger and rage comes through.  

If you buy the Vinyl version of “You’re Welcome” you get treated to two live versions of songs, “F*** Myself” & “Big D*** Energy”. These are a great addition to the E.P and if you have a record player this is definitely the option you should choose. You get to hear, feel and experience the raw energy this band brings to the stage. Even more aggressive and raunchy, instrumentally tight and succinct. Overall Lambrini Girls are a great punk band deserving of the plaudits and recognition they are experiencing.

Definitely ones to watch.

Words by Grant Dallas