EP Review: Lily Moore - ‘Before I Change My Mind, Again…’

Taking on the role of an experienced big sister, Lily Moore delivers in her new EP.

After taking a few years away from the music industry Lily Moore has returned with music that shares her wisdom and experiences.

‘Before I Change My Mind, Again…’ will blow your mind, especially when you find out the six track EP was written largely over the span of just a week. Lily Moore brings us a well rounded and individual album, capturing notes of Amy Whinehouse in an new upbeat and fun style!

The EP opens up with ‘Hard Days Love’ a full sounding song with raspy, quirky vocals. Featuring heart wrenching lyrics mixed with powerful jazz inspired instruments. The lyrics include “Please stay with me, I know I’m not the right one but I’m trying to be”. Telling stories of misguided attempts to win the affections of boys who weren’t interested.

‘Beautiful Lie’ swiftly follows with a slower intro, elegant and easy going soul beat. A song Moore says reflects the coping mechanisms she used to keep herself going through her career. Moore says “It was all the things that I really thought were going to come true, but didn’t… but lying to myself had actually been all that got me to that point - sometimes lies I told myself helped me”.

A personal favourite of mine follows. Encapsulating a more pop and addictive sound. With an upbeat mix of pop and jazz infuses Lily Moore presents us with a song that’s easy to groove to. A song about accepting how not everything is always made to last forever, and oozes peace with that mindset.

Narrating her personal life throughout this release continues further into ‘Everybody’s Falling In Love’. Lily Moore sings “I’m nobody’s baby its making me crazy”, further taking on that big sister role and offers fans heartfelt advice and understanding.

Moore is at her most vulnerable with the track ‘Hit Me In The Dark’. Showing her cleaver wit with lines like “missed the punchline, to bad I made the joke” and her raw honesty with “you’ve got my whole heart”. This song differs slightly from the previous tracks we’re graced with from this EP release, as Moore used this track to experiment with vocal effects to alter the vibe, wanting to sound as though it was being sung in a club. “I was picturing me walking through a nightclub and being really pissed with my friends”.

Closing out this album is ‘Never Wanted You More’, where Lily Moore wears her heart on her sleeve. Opening up with stunning isolated vocals transitioning into a slow song but still with a beat and tempo made to enjoy. ‘Never Wanted You More’ is raw openness, the song has no fake facade, no hiding. Moore decides to say exactly how she feels without trying to hard or trying to be cool. Leaving us with a relatable song that validates listeners feelings.

When Lily Moore’s mind created this album she spoke about how “there was really a point where I didn’t think I was going to release a song again”. With this release fans will for certain be joyful she did decide to continue releasing music. Overall, this EP release is bound to be a successful one. ‘Before I Change My Mind, Again…” brings a sound I don’t think is often represented in the mainstream music world but Lily Moore is here to kick start that movement. Combining jazz, blues and pop influences, resulting in an EP that’ll brings something new and exciting to your ears.

Words by Anna Street